Thursday, April 24, 2008


I am trying out this new thing, I call it: "Perspective."

What I do is I eat lunch in a place I have never been to before at least 3 times a week. Not new restaurants or anything, and not necessarily in a completely part of town; it could just be a table I've never sat at or an area of a courtyard I've never been. It's been pretty cool so far! The weather has been nice, so I've gotten some sun on benches which are all new to me. It might sound strange, but it feels really different to just sit some 20 feet from where you've eaten every day for the past month. Completely different view, completely different outlook. On Wednesday, I say down next to a pillar in the University Library plaza in the sun and ate a banana.

Perspective! Right. So after a while, these two guys come up and ask if they can survey me about religion. I figure, hey, why not, I have nowhere to be. So we talk about my views of Christianity for a while. Granted, that makes it sound really unpleasant, but it actually wasn't. While I certainly think about it often enough, I rarely air my views about religion publicly. Truth is, in the course of the interview, I made some realizations.
  • When I think "Christianity" I am almost always thinking about "the politics of the Christian right." I think it is The Media which causes this. I could be wrong.
  • I believe human beings are incapable of fully understanding the concept of "God", at least in the sense of a truly omnipotent being. It's like an ant trying to understand the concept of the earth; you can say it, but it's just not going to happen.
  • I am just not a religious person. I guess I already knew that, but it bears repeating.
Well looking back, none of that is particularly earth-shattering, or even particularly coherent. The important thing is, I talked to some people about religion who I had never met or even seen before and it wasn't horrible. Perspective!

On an unrelated note, yes I am aware that a significant portion of my traffic comes from european versions of Google Images. So I have to show some love to my peeps across the 'lantic:

Apparently he is a politician of some sort? Craziness.