Sunday, March 12, 2006

Mo' Dreams

So I was being chased by Roy Scheider because he was an unwitting agent of an oppressive government regime, and I had to get out of Washington D.C. because I had pissed off the wrong people. Robin Williams was my ally, and we tried to escape through the underground tunnels. We got lost like 5 times in this one part with a lot of enemies and had to restart the level. Eventually, we got out from underground by following this trail of desserts randomly sitting on the floor and climbing a brick wall, but we were still on the wrong side of the Potomac. We made a run for it, Roy Scheider still hot on our heels. Eventually I caught up to Robin, and he was clinging to the top of a miniature version of the Washington monument, looking serene. I crouched down at its base and waited for the inevitable. When Roy found us, I made a run for the river, and evaded all the government archers who kept firing ineffectual arrows at me. I made it over the first electrified ditch by jumping, but I think the river itself had alligators or something in it so I couldn't make it.

That's when I woke up.

Still don't know what happened to Robin.

Monday, March 06, 2006

Fun with Words

. . .all Experience hath shewn, that Mankind are more disposed to suffer, while Evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the Forms to which they are accustomed.
That little gem is from the Declaration of Independence. Reading it at face value, it seems to indicate a preference for the status quo. It could be argued that this is a very American trait, at least in America as it is today. I won't get into that.

I would argue that the better interpretation of this line would be a message of confrontational avoidance. We seem to live in a culture of confrontation. We advocate confrontation in virtually every situation, whether it's foreign policy, class-action lawsuits, or personal relationships. While there are certainly times when it is the best, or even the only morally acceptable action, there are far more times when it's outright inappropriate. Sometimes, people just need to chill.

Personally, I don't really like confrontation. Perhaps you feel differently. That's cool, too. It's all part of my philosophy of "chillness." Spread the word.

Also, it has come to my attention that I use far too many "words" and not enough "purty pictures." This is true. I was planning on putting up a pic of the various iterations of batarangs I have assembled in the machine shop over the past few days, but the camera I was going to use doesn't seem to be up to the task. The future, then.

The future.

Sunday, March 05, 2006


Note: I'm writing this about 5 days after the events mentioned took place, which will undoubtedly lead to oddities. Huh. That'll teach me to update sporadically.

I went to a Northwestern basketball game on Wednesday. We lost by 3 points, and we were ahead for quite a while. None of the major NW sports are particularly good (with the exception of the national champion girls' lacrosse team), so it's a big deal if we stay alive that long. One thing that I always notice when I go to games is the "team spirit" or whatever, that takes the form of incredible hostility towards people you have never met before. Being a college game, you have fewer spittle-emitting parents, but you have even more spittle-emitting coaches. Them guys is scary. Good game, I guess, but watching grown men scream at each other always unnerves me a bit.

Also, I had a really weird dream last weekend. I don't remember everything, but I remember Hitler was there, and for some reason he really liked me, almost as a son. There was a little group of people my age, and I had a bible strapped to my chest, because that was what he had decreed, and he was talking to me, when I noticed I had carved out the middle of it to hold a gun, very Shawshank-esque. I kept trying to close the bible so he wouldn't see my blasphemy, and I don't think he noticed.

Suddenly, I was back in my dorm room, but it wasn't my actual room. My dream roommate had been involved in a RPG-esque magic battle, and I think he was dead, or waiting to respawn, and he had made some silver flax for me. I don't even know what flax is, but I'm going to look it up right now. I guess they're plants of some sort. Weird. Anyhow, I lay down on my bed, and then Matt came in and said something to the effect that Hitler was coming and we had to leave right now. And that's when I woke up.

The most important thing I learned in that dream is that getting hugged by Adolph Hitler feels really bad.