Sunday, March 05, 2006


Note: I'm writing this about 5 days after the events mentioned took place, which will undoubtedly lead to oddities. Huh. That'll teach me to update sporadically.

I went to a Northwestern basketball game on Wednesday. We lost by 3 points, and we were ahead for quite a while. None of the major NW sports are particularly good (with the exception of the national champion girls' lacrosse team), so it's a big deal if we stay alive that long. One thing that I always notice when I go to games is the "team spirit" or whatever, that takes the form of incredible hostility towards people you have never met before. Being a college game, you have fewer spittle-emitting parents, but you have even more spittle-emitting coaches. Them guys is scary. Good game, I guess, but watching grown men scream at each other always unnerves me a bit.

Also, I had a really weird dream last weekend. I don't remember everything, but I remember Hitler was there, and for some reason he really liked me, almost as a son. There was a little group of people my age, and I had a bible strapped to my chest, because that was what he had decreed, and he was talking to me, when I noticed I had carved out the middle of it to hold a gun, very Shawshank-esque. I kept trying to close the bible so he wouldn't see my blasphemy, and I don't think he noticed.

Suddenly, I was back in my dorm room, but it wasn't my actual room. My dream roommate had been involved in a RPG-esque magic battle, and I think he was dead, or waiting to respawn, and he had made some silver flax for me. I don't even know what flax is, but I'm going to look it up right now. I guess they're plants of some sort. Weird. Anyhow, I lay down on my bed, and then Matt came in and said something to the effect that Hitler was coming and we had to leave right now. And that's when I woke up.

The most important thing I learned in that dream is that getting hugged by Adolph Hitler feels really bad.

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