Monday, August 29, 2005

Pick Shure

I haven't really posted any pretty pictures in a while, so I figure it would be a good idea.

There. Maybe that will stop you from asking for more pictures.

Saturday, August 27, 2005

I am Making a Shirt.

It will say, in large block letters:


My shirt is brilliant.

Man, I just got home. The park didn't close until 11, a full hour after we're supposed to. In that hour, subtracting salaries, wholesale prices, electricity, etc., we probably made a profit of about 25 bucks. Was that worth it?

The whole day was a wasteland. We didn't open until 4, and for the 7 hours we were open, the candy store as a whole made a total of about $350. Usually, just one register in the store, just one, will make $800 for a half-day.

$350 is abysmal.

Gruh, I have a bag of chocolate-covered coffee beans next to me here. I'm kind of addicted to these now. I had a few, and now I'm a little wired, and I have to awaken in less than 8 hours to open the store. Jesus.

Air America. Now there's something to talk about. My mom listens to it pretty much exclusively, and I was driving her car today. It's a little scary; I mean, I can see where the people who foam at the mouth listening to conservative radio come from. It's disturbingly easy to ride along with something if you already believe in the basic tenants. I mean, I'm fairly liberal, I guess, and I agree with a lot of stuff the Air America people say, but then they go all radical on me, and if I'm not careful, I go with them. I'm not even saying that they're wrong, even, it's just scary to get all worked up over a radio show.

I dunno, maybe I should be.

Thursday, August 25, 2005




I've been teaching myself how to play poker; I figure maybe I can make some money if I get good enough. Big dreams, I know. Anyhow, I was playing five hands by myself just to get a feel for the probabilities and such, and in one hand, one group had a full house, one had a straight, and another had four kings. I mean, what are the chances of that happening?

Zilch, that's what.


Fine, damnit, I'll write another post. I don't leave for school for two and a half weeks, what else am I going to do around here?


Just got back from our cabin in sunny Raymond, Colorado, population about 150. It's nice up there; I like it. I get to do manly activities like chopping wood, throwing rocks, shooting arrows, and wrasslin' bears with my bare hands.

One of these days, I have a list of various technology I want to get for college; unfortunately, the whole list runs about 600 bucks, and that's about 600 bucks more than I have. My job goes pretty much toward college, and even though my parents are telling me to use graduation money for stuff, I'm not sure I want to.

Without further ado, my List o' Funz:

Drawing Tablet

See, all funz stuff.

I miss my friends. Friends who are reading: I miss you.

This blog post ends in three, two, one,

Saturday, August 20, 2005

Watch me dance around my sadness

It's been a while since my last post, meaning it's something like talking to an old friend you haven't seen since last year.

"Hey, how's it been? Your dad still into those trains? That's cool."

I beat Vice City. Great game. And I was right, the movie director was voiced by Dennis Hopper.


I am very sad.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Little Candy Shop of Horrors

Every person who has worked in retail at some point or another has their favorite horror story about the customers they deal with. Mine is less "horror" than "Jesus Christ," but I'll give it a go:

I was re-stocking some candy when three girls walk in. This in-and-of-itself was not strange. They look around, then come over to ask me a question. This, too, was all well within the realm of ordinary. Their question was this:

"How much does your guys' stuff cost?"

I looked more closely, to see if maybe she was indicating some specific "stuff." She wasn't.

"Uh, it sorta depends on what you get. . ." I stammered, looking slightly bewildered.

"Oh, he said it depends on what you get," the lead girl relayed to the other two. The trio moved away to inspect our goods.

My supervisor, who was working at the register where these girls checked out, later told me another story. Apparently, when the girls' merchandise rang up to $4.50, and the girls only had 4 dollars, they said to her: "Wait, it has to be right on?"

Now, say what you will, but there is a very big difference between sub-standard math skills and a basic failure to understand how our entire country functions.

I mean, seriously.

Saturday, August 06, 2005


I just saw a fucking skunk. A skunk, man, not 6 feet away.

A fucking skunk!

Ach, Mein Parents

My parents return this coming tuesday, so in the immortal words of every 80s teen movie ever, "We gotta clean up!" Fortunately, I have the whole weekend to do so, but it's still going to be tense, which explains why I'm wasting time writing this blog entry.

Hey, it's probably better than wasting time playing GTA3.

Thursday, August 04, 2005

A Person I Will Live With

Well, I finally got my dorm/roommate assignment, a week after they said I would. Can't complain, I guess. Seems like a good texan fellow, likes the jazz, likes the good movies. Rock on.

And, I don't have work today because it rained heavily, making any employment in the park proper quite pointless, as they would be exclusively serving other emplyees.

That sentence makes sense in my head.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Fooled You

Ok, I lied. It's . . . kinda what I do.

Whoever invented the caramel apple deserves a fucking medal. I mean, could you come up with shit this good? Didn't think so.

Splinter Cell is good, real good. It's a slightly different flavor from MGS and Hitman, but in the same family, I guess. Definitely looks better, anyhow. Personally, I prefer the slightly less realistic appeal of walking tanks, supernatural bosses, and Solid "Fucking" Snake to the political intrigue of SC, but it's still an extremely polished specimen. I give it an 8.5.

GTA 3 is, well, you've played it. Great game. Greeeat game.

I'm sensing a trend here, and the trend is that I discuss pressing matters of the day, only the day in question actually occurred in excess of 6 years ago.


Monday, August 01, 2005

Delay (not Tom)

Ok, so I'm just going to hold off on updates until my day off.

That's Wednesday.