Saturday, August 27, 2005

I am Making a Shirt.

It will say, in large block letters:


My shirt is brilliant.

Man, I just got home. The park didn't close until 11, a full hour after we're supposed to. In that hour, subtracting salaries, wholesale prices, electricity, etc., we probably made a profit of about 25 bucks. Was that worth it?

The whole day was a wasteland. We didn't open until 4, and for the 7 hours we were open, the candy store as a whole made a total of about $350. Usually, just one register in the store, just one, will make $800 for a half-day.

$350 is abysmal.

Gruh, I have a bag of chocolate-covered coffee beans next to me here. I'm kind of addicted to these now. I had a few, and now I'm a little wired, and I have to awaken in less than 8 hours to open the store. Jesus.

Air America. Now there's something to talk about. My mom listens to it pretty much exclusively, and I was driving her car today. It's a little scary; I mean, I can see where the people who foam at the mouth listening to conservative radio come from. It's disturbingly easy to ride along with something if you already believe in the basic tenants. I mean, I'm fairly liberal, I guess, and I agree with a lot of stuff the Air America people say, but then they go all radical on me, and if I'm not careful, I go with them. I'm not even saying that they're wrong, even, it's just scary to get all worked up over a radio show.

I dunno, maybe I should be.

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