Sunday, June 17, 2007

One Sentence Movie Review: Only One? Edition

Either I'm missing something or that is one hell of an overrated film.

Seriously, if Brick was the movie that pleasantly surprised me, Chinatown is the one which left me scratching my head and asking "that's it?"

I like to think I'm not just a movie escapist who needs everything to end with sunshine and rainbows; I find Requiem for a Dream amazing, and it makes me want to never get out of bed ever again. But I wouldn't say Chinatown has a depressing ending; for it to be an ending at all the players have to learn something, or at least change in some small way. I would be hard pressed to name any character changes from the beginning to the end (going from alive to dead doesn't count).

It's not all black marks from me. The acting is all top-notch. The feel of LA in the 30s seemed real, and the heat of the drought bled off the screen. I just didn't feel what the movie was trying to tell me, and found myself not caring about what it was, anyway.

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