Thursday, June 28, 2007

One Sentence Movie Reviews: Trilingual Edition

Last Life in the Universe
This movie is a potent catalyst for sitting on your couch, looking at colors, and thinking about life.

It's probably just the mood I was in today, but I really liked this movie. The pacing reminds me a little of another film I didn't care for, Lost in Translation. But where LiT was frustrating with its lack of action, I let LLitU wash over me. The slightly surreal plot combined with the impressive soundtrack and the intensely saturated cinematography makes for a viewing experience which feels like you're underwater, and it was exactly what I was looking for in a movie today.

It was shot on video, which I found a little distracting, but not overly so. Looking at IMDB, it seems LiT is actually 10 minutes shorter than the still brief 112 minutes of LLitU, but I remember it feeling like forever.

I have another of this director's films, 6ixtynin9, which I'll have to watch soon.

1 comment:

Matt said...

It actually wasn't shot on video. I thought so at first, too. I think the DVD transfer was just bad, or something. I wrote an essay on the two films you mention, so hit me up for it after you watch the other one.