Friday, June 22, 2007

One Sentence Movie Reviews: Go Fuck Yourself Edition

The Departed
While it is an excellent film in its own right, I feel it loses much of its moral ambiguity as compared to Infernal Affairs.

Many of the detail changes between the two films seem designed to make the good guys better and the bad guys worse, almost as if the movie has been dumbed down for American audiences. Other alterations contribute to the movie, but seem highly unlikely (Costigan's affair with Sullivan's girlfriend comes to mind). To be fair, both versions have their share of implausibilities, so I'm not sure I can take points away for that. The final product is a movie that is much grittier and feels more real, but which is lacking some of the stylistic flair and philosophical questioning of the original.

Jack Nicholson is insane.

I'm bored, so I made these. I can't decide which I like more. Your thoughts?

The original.

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