Monday, July 11, 2005

Huh (then nudity)


Reading back, I think I said everything about Requiem that really needed to be said last night. It's disturbing, uncomfortable, and extremely powerful.

Last night, I had one of those "naked at school" dreams, but it was less terrifying and more "Hey you, The Man! I'm not wearing clothes!" People were cheering for me, I swear. I also had a dream where I was almost arrested for stealing wireless internet, but that is neither here nor there.

Yesterday I went to the Denver Museum of Nature and Science with my girlfriend and her family. I've always loved that place. We saw the space exhibit (a little lack-luster), the Lewis and Clark traveling exhibit (meh), a planetarium trip through the solar system (reeeeal unimpressive) and the Hall of Life (whee). My health printout said that I had above-average cardiovascular fitness for my gender and age group, which surprised me, inasmuch as I make it a point to avoid exercise wherever possible.

So, yeah.

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