Monday, July 25, 2005

I like semicolons

Univision was back today, but there wasn't any crazy stuff going down, just extremely loud and repetitive spanish rap. So, they weren't the most exciting part of the day: the rain was.

It rained quite heavily, sending dozens of park-goers into the fairly small confines of the confectionery, as I am wont to call it. Of the $800 I made today, I'd say around half of it came from the 45 minutes directly following the rain. Another thing I noticed is the sheer mass of people who attend the park. A good 30 minutes after it started raining, I could still see throngs of people walking down the street in front of the store towards the exit, and even when most people had left, there were still isolated pockets of activity from time to time. This raises questions, questions like: "Who are these people," and "Why don't they go home?"

Thing about rain is, it's like throwing baking soda into vinegar; it froths and foams for 20 seconds or so, then fades into a boring, goopy mess. From 8:00 to 10:00, I probably made 4 sales, leading to (what else?) many more paper cranes. Even that couldn't quite dispel all the boredom; imagine my excitement when I *pause* changed the register tape! And even that doesn't even compare to the time I got something sticky on my hand and *pause* had to wash it off.

Whoo. Good times.

Seeing as there is upwards of $100,000 in the park every night, and it's mostly in small, non-sequential bills, I've started thinking about robbery, purely as an academic exercise, of course. Aside from the bars and the cameras, the biggest problem would be getting the money out of the park. The bank is situated dead center, and while the perimeter security isn't exactly stellar, they would probably be able to respond in the time it took to get to the edge of the park.


I noticed today that the light rail actually goes through a corner of the park, and it's fairly close to the bank itself. If you could rig up some sort of device that would allow you to latch the money onto the light rail cars as they go past, they could leave the secure zone quite easily and quickly, meaning you'd just have to go pick up the money later.

Christ, I play too much Hitman 2.

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