Thursday, July 14, 2005

Living on the Counter

I'm sure it's pretty obvious that my house has become one of the messiest places I've ever lived in. It's true; I'm a slob. Problem is, people are coming tomorrow to clean the house, so it goes without saying that I have to clean it before they even think about getting here.

It's bad in here. I just brought all the dishes up to the kitchen, and some of them are so crusted with food it's hard to tell there's actually a plate under there. The day my parents left (7 days ago) I had a bit of flank steak, but didn't finish the last bite. It remained on my fork, on a plate, on the counter. For 7 days. It's still there. At this point, I'm not really sure what to do with it. Do I leave it as a warning to future generations not to leave the dishes until it's too late? Do I cast it into the raging fires of Aluei-Kawali Muoeila? Do I eat it? Question, questions.

1 comment:

lgl said...

Dont feel too bad, I have to clean before people come to clean too.